Канадец провел курс реабилитации для наркозависимой мышки


Мышь и ее наркозависимость. Фото: Colin Sullivan / Deadline News

В Канаде мышку, которая объедалась коноплей до потери сознания, отправили на курс реабилитации для наркозависимых. Об этом сообщает Metro.

Колин Салливан из канадского города Нью-Брансуик решил помочь мышонку, который повадился посещать его посадки конопли, и организовал для него реабилитационный курс. Мышь два дня подряд приходила туда, где росли кусты канабиса, поедала листья растения и, получив лошадиную дозу наркотика, отрубалась в полностью невменяемом состоянии. В Канаде с недавних пор выращивать коноплю для себя в ограниченных количествах разрешено законом.

Колин отметил, что у мыши не было уха, поэтому он предположил, что поедание конопли стало для животного своеобразным лечением посттравматического расстройства или даже болевого синдрома.

Мужчина изолировал мышонка в комфортных условиях без доступа к наркотику, наблюдая приступы дикого голода, захватившие животное после пробуждения от конопляной комы. Как шутит Колин в своем посте на фейсбуке, это был шестидневный курс реабилитации, программа «12 шагов» для преодоления зависимости, которую обычно проходят наркозависимые люди.

После окончания лечения, мышь была выпущена в дикую природу, здоровая и, как надеется Колин, распрощавшаяся со своим пристрастием к листьям конопли.

A CURIOUS mouse in Canada was caught chopping on cannabis leaves before being found passed out on its back ???high???. Colin Sullivan, from New Brunswick, Canada where cannabis is legal, said he found the rodent pinching leaves from his plants for two days in a row last week. Four images show the inquisitive mouse nibbling at both the stem of the plant leaves before the substance took effect. Photos captured shortly after show the rodent lying in the middle of a heap of leaves, completely comatose. Colin decided to put the animal in a cage where he started him on a ???12 step programme??? to keep it away from the plants long enough to get it back on its feet. Six days later the mouse was released back into the wild after Colin awarded him his own 12 step chip - a memento given to addicts to celebrate their commitment to recovery. Colin posted about the discovery on Facebook last week (TUE SEPT 1ST), writing: ???For two days in a row I've caught this little pothead taking leaves off of my plant and eating them until he passes out. ???He???s missing an ear so it may be self medication for his PTSD but I still think it's time for an Intervention. ???I???ll let him sleep this one off but when he wakes up he's getting a real stern talking to.??? Two days later, Colin posted an update on the mouse situation - alongside the mouse in a perspex cage.
A CURIOUS mouse in Canada was caught chopping on cannabis leaves before being found passed out on its back ???high???. Colin Sullivan, from New Brunswick, Canada where cannabis is legal, said he found the rodent pinching leaves from his plants for two days in a row last week. Four images show the inquisitive mouse nibbling at both the stem of the plant leaves before the substance took effect. Photos captured shortly after show the rodent lying in the middle of a heap of leaves, completely comatose. Colin decided to put the animal in a cage where he started him on a ???12 step programme??? to keep it away from the plants long enough to get it back on its feet. Six days later the mouse was released back into the wild after Colin awarded him his own 12 step chip - a memento given to addicts to celebrate their commitment to recovery. Colin posted about the discovery on Facebook last week (TUE SEPT 1ST), writing: ???For two days in a row I've caught this little pothead taking leaves off of my plant and eating them until he passes out. ???He???s missing an ear so it may be self medication for his PTSD but I still think it's time for an Intervention. ???I???ll let him sleep this one off but when he wakes up he's getting a real stern talking to.??? Two days later, Colin posted an update on the mouse situation - alongside the mouse in a perspex cage.
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