Как средневековые художники рисовали котов?


Спойлер: средневековые художники рисовали котов плохо.

Да, они преуспели в изображении религиозных сцен или портретов королевской семьи, но кошки, похоже, предлагали им задачку, с которой они были не способны справиться. Кажется, многие из авторов вообще никогда не видели кота.

It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.
It looks like the medieval painters never laid eyes on a cat.


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