Кот и щенок корги стали лучшими друзьями на карантине


Трехмесячная корги и трехлетний кот сдружились и проводят время вместе, пока их хозяева отбывают самоизоляцию в доме в Чикаго, США. Об этом сообщается на сайте Metro.

Несмотря на то, что коронавирус разъединяют нас, вынуждая быть разделенными со своими друзьями, в тоже время карантин иногда, наоборот, сближает одинокие души.

Когда хозяева кота Гилберта и корги Люси съехались, пара животных почти мгновенно нашла общий язык. Теперь они играют без перерыва, проводят вместе дни напролет и сидят рядышком, глядя в окно на происходящее в мире.

Иногда Люси таскает Гилберта за хвост, но тот, кажется, не сильно против.

Video grab of the evolving friendship between Gilbert the cat and Lucy the puppy?s evolving relationship as they go through quarantine together. See SWNS story SWNYcatdog. Watch as Gilbert and Lucy, a cat and puppy duo, go from mere acquaintances to best friends during quarantine. When Gilbert, a three-year-old ragdoll, was introduced to Lucy, a three-month-old corgi, the two began playing immediately. ?Gilbert, grew up roughhousing with a dog,? said their owner Adam Kopley, 34, of Chicago, Illinois. ?As soon as Lucy came home, he watched her for like 30 minutes. Since then, they?ve been playing nonstop.?
Video grab of the evolving friendship between Gilbert the cat and Lucy the puppy?s evolving relationship as they go through quarantine together. See SWNS story SWNYcatdog. Watch as Gilbert and Lucy, a cat and puppy duo, go from mere acquaintances to best friends during quarantine. When Gilbert, a three-year-old ragdoll, was introduced to Lucy, a three-month-old corgi, the two began playing immediately. ?Gilbert, grew up roughhousing with a dog,? said their owner Adam Kopley, 34, of Chicago, Illinois. ?As soon as Lucy came home, he watched her for like 30 minutes. Since then, they?ve been playing nonstop.?
Video grab of the evolving friendship between Gilbert the cat and Lucy the puppy?s evolving relationship as they go through quarantine together. See SWNS story SWNYcatdog. Watch as Gilbert and Lucy, a cat and puppy duo, go from mere acquaintances to best friends during quarantine. When Gilbert, a three-year-old ragdoll, was introduced to Lucy, a three-month-old corgi, the two began playing immediately. ?Gilbert, grew up roughhousing with a dog,? said their owner Adam Kopley, 34, of Chicago, Illinois. ?As soon as Lucy came home, he watched her for like 30 minutes. Since then, they?ve been playing nonstop.?
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